Saturday, September 12, 2009

Raymore police shoot family cat. Oops.

I tried not to laugh when I read this story. It's really very sad. Seriously, though, a little over the top? The image of the police taking a 19 year old house cat out to a field and executing it reminds of a very bad Mel Brooks movie.

Anyway, of course I had to write an article about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seems to me our nation has been on fear overload since September 11, 2001. We have had no closure with the perpretrator of the attacks, and now no longer trust our internal peace forces to keep us safe.
Television and other forms of news existed, almost solely from that point, to feed into that fear and insecurity. And still does from some extent. And now uses these tactics to display other stories in a pulse-pounding format. Maybe we are all now adrenaline junkies.
If this corporate fear ever abates, we will all probably be more bitter for it.