Tuesday, October 27, 2009

what did wednesday ever do to you?

I’m questioning the wisdom of teaching grammar on Mondays. Really, there are few subjects in language arts duller than grammar (my apologies to Lynn Truss), and Mondays are already dreary enough by their very nature, so why would I compound the problem?

I can’t teach it on Thursdays, though, because no one wants to end the week with grammar, and Tuesdays are only marginally better than Mondays. But the grammar must be taught, so that leaves Wednesdays. I am so very sorry to do that to you, Wednesday, but you were in such a vulnerable position.

Monday, from now on, shall be something more fun. I’m thinking creative writing, or maybe drama or poetry? Mondays deserve that. Oh, and a big mug of coffee. Mondays definitely deserve that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look up and read "Language in Thought and Action", by S.I. Hayakawa. If it were not for this book, I would have given up on grammar.
Think of this as the countermeasure to Wednesday being known as "Hump Day".