Monday, October 26, 2009

the fourth veil

This is part four of a seven part series. Read parts one, two, and three first.

Robbins lets loose on organized religion in the fourth section of the book. He says that when the fourth veil is removed we will see that, “organized religion [is] a major obstacle to peace and understanding…religion is a paramount contributor to human misery. It is not merely the opium of the masses, it is the cyanide.”

To those who would point to the comfort that religion brings millions, he responds that, “the Deity does not dawdle in the comfort zone! If one yearns to see the face of the divine, one must break out of the aquarium, escape the fish farm, to go swim up wild cataracts, dive in deep fjords.”

He is right. Religion has been used as a weapon of much evil and violence. I believe, however, that religion is merely the weapon used and not the source of the evil. It seems that as a human race we are bent on discord over peace, anger over compassion, and self-preservation over justice. If it is not religion, then it is some other weapon wielded. Faith can also be the source of great good and courageous efforts of humanity. But then, even those without faith have been known to be great humanitarians.

When religion becomes a comfort zone, when it encourages people to be satisfied with the status quo, then it truly is an opium. Exceptional religious leaders have instigated great unrest and change, fighting social evils and bringing justice to millions. They are too often the exception, though.

Some within the church complain that faith has become too individualistic, more about “what’s in it for me” rather than community. This is true. On the other hand, it is often not individualized enough, more about believing what I’ve been told because I’m a member of this, that, or the other, rather than listening to one’s own voice and discovering for one’s self what is most reasonable and most life-giving.

Maybe once the fourth veil is removed we will all be surprised.


Tom Corbett said...

Dagney, are these the real reasons you are turning against religion?

Or is it something else?

Dagney J Velazquez said...

It's interesting that you assume that I'm turning against religion. I still attend church regularly, pray, and am continue to explore the spiritual side of life. Perhaps you should refrain from quick judgments about people based on very limited information.

Tom Corbett said...

I am just going by what you are writing.

Maybe you should be more clear.

Jerseystitch said...

Here I go again, telling you I have thought this for years. But once again, it is true. Religion is an opiate, a cyanide, and many times a punishment, even if it is just self-inflicted. And I really have to wonder if we need to focus on the afterlife so much, when there is so much in the duringlife we really have to address.

Tom Corbett said...

And thank you Karl Marx.

Jerseystitch said...

You're welcome, "Freethinker".