Wednesday, October 21, 2009

is there a god? does it matter?

The top twitter trending topic for much of last night was "no god." I couldn't keep up with the tens of thousands of tweets that poured in, but of those I read, it looked like the "there is no god" tweets were beating out the "yes there is a god!" tweets. My question is, what difference does belief make?


Liz said...

Hi Dagney! I hope you are doing well. Really miss you. Interesting question. In my humble opinion it does matter. For if you do not believe in God or a supreme being, then how do you define why you are here on earth? Perhaps I am an eternal optimist, but I see God as hope and the anchor to why I am here on earth. Therefore my life does matter and I think so does yours.

Anonymous said...


Why I am on Earth? - because my parents had sex and here I am. They also were born because their parents had sex and so on till the beginning of the primordial chemical organics stew and then evolution took place.

The question "why?" is wrong in a philosophical sense - it makes no sense. The correct factual qeuestion would be "what caused me to be?" and not "why?"

Why opens up a can worm of "why is why?" - do you see the point. It's a non sensical circular reasoning which will never get you an answer.

Is god and "supreme being" different things? - you seem to separate them.

Do you think that life doesn't matter to those who don't believe in god or "supreme being"?

Liz said...

Hmm....interesting perspective. I would say that you summarized how you were born on earth, but the biological reason you are here does not answer the question of your ultimate purpose here on earth.

I am not sure that "why?" is incorrect philosophically though I agree with your suggestion that it may be circular. If you check out Websters definition of Why (adv) you will find: "for what reason, cause or purpose".

As for your inquiry about: "Do you think that life doesn't matter to those who don't believe in god or "supreme being"? I am not sure that I can give you an appropriate answer. You see I struggle with the concept that anyone can not believe in God (supreme being), even someone who professes to believe in nothing.


Iggy said...


I don't believe in "nothing" :o) - I believe in "me". I'm "not" nothing. Let's get this weird and old argument of Xianity apologetics out, OK.

CS Lewis' ideas on "it takes faith to be an atheists" is frigging crazy.

As to your ultimate purpose here on earth, you are delusional if you think that this Earth needs you :o) It lasted without you for 4 bln years and this univers for 14 bln years (as we know it) and if physics proves it right sme time the "inflation/deflation" of energy/space/time continium goes on forever in some shape or form.

You may not understand how "huge" the cosmos is (Milky Galaxy alone is 100,000 light years across, 1 light year = 8 trillion miles, there are 300-500 bln stars in Mikly way and about 500-900 bln galaxies in the "visible/detectable" part of the Universe.

Your purpose is to "not die" every morning, give yourself pleasure in whatever way you want it and pass on genes if you have that calling.

Period. End of Story. God doesn't even enter in the picture, not even on Xmas day.

Iggy said...


Life does matter to non believers - my life primarily and those close to us.

We are just less judgemental about other people's "sins" - we admit we all make mistakes and must be accountable for them on our own merits and not by standards of some "tooth fairy" called Yahweh and Jebus.

God watching me in bathroom and having sex - creepy!

Understanding that he "must" do it - is priceless.