Monday, October 19, 2009

the third veil

This is the third part of a seven part series. Read parts one and two first.

The third veil is the veil of political illusion, of blindly following our leaders to the point of giving up our freedom. We thus suffer a death of the soul long before the death of the body and actually believe that it is unavoidable or, even worse, commendable and necessary.

One of Robbins’s main characters peeks under the veil and realizes that, “Freedom could not be owned. Therefore, it could not be appropriated. Or controlled. It could, however, be relinquished.” Sadly, because of the veil of political illusion, most do not even know that they have relinquished their freedom.

Politicians, world leaders, dictators, bureaucrats, and tyrants wield the power they do only because people have handed it to them. Sadly, when those who could retain or reclaim their freedom choose to relinquish it, they infuse political leaders with the power to not only control them, but also to control and oppress those who never had an opportunity to know freedom.

Where in your own life have you handed over your freedom, allowed someone else to make your decisions and determine the course of your life?

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