Sunday, January 3, 2010

Missouri Senator leads forum about progress in LGBT legislation

Missouri Senator Jolie Justus was joined by two local advocates to report on the progress of legislation that affects the LGBT community. At this forum, held at All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church, they shared updates from the federal, state, and local levels.

Click here to read a summary of their report as well as their answers to questions from the audience.


Mammal_Mama said...

Dagney, thank you for keeping us updated on all of this. I think things are going to be a whole lot more fair in the future than they are now, and change isn't going to take as long as it did in the past.

One thing that helps is that mainstream society, including many Christians, simply see no justification for discriminating against GLBT individuals, couples, and their families.

It is just silly for anyone to see gay marriage as a threat to heterosexual marriage.

May the truth keep being spread -- for it's the truth that sets us free.

By the way, one resource that really helped both my husband and me to move away from the conservative Christian view of homosexuality as sinful, was the movie/documentary, "For the Bible Tells Me So."

I was also greatly helped by Father Daniel A. Helminiak's book, "What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality."

Iggy - said...

Shucks, I missed this... I every now and then look through the list of "Speaker's Corner" speakers at All Souls Unitarian and Shawnee Mission Unitarian church for interesting speakers.

Hey, Dagney, do you know of any other "liberal" churches that you feel are in line with open and ratinal approach to "reality" if you can call it this way when they believe in talking snakes and all or cherry pick whatever :o) that can hook up with and see if we can have some "common outreach/charity going?