Wednesday, December 9, 2009

the sixth veil

This is part of a seven part series. Read parts one, two, three, four, and five first.

The sixth veil reveals something insidious. “Nazi Germany, the Inquisition, Stalinism, the Crusades, these were what happened when reality was allowed to give way to cliché. Behind the sixth veil, like a pearl behind cheesecloth, was the realization that ‘the end of the world’ was the most dangerous cliché of all.”

Ah, clichés. Don’t you just love them? They remove all necessity of thought, introspection, openness to change, and creativity. Instead, they allow us to simply fall in with a simple party line that satisfies and pleases thousands, even while robbing the soul of its depth.

Has there ever been a politician elected to a prominent office without a handy cliché? (Here’s a fun quiz: how many US presidential slogans can you recall?) Parents, of course, rely heavily on clichés. They are a great way to answer the child’s “why” without ever actually answering it. Rest assured, though, that children will remember the clichés to pass down to their children and grandchildren.

Robbins claims that the most dangerous cliché is “the end of the world.” Most of us laugh at the image of a man walking the streets holding a sign that says, “The End of the World is Near.” We don’t really buy into this cliché, do we?

I remember watching a film in youth group at our family’s (denominational affiliation removed) church about the end of the world, “The Rapture.” Its intent was to scare the hell out of us, and it worked on me. For years after, chills would run down my spine whenever I walked into an empty room and couldn’t find anyone. “Oh no! The rapture came and I was left behind! I’m going to burn for eternity!” It was a powerful tool of control. None of us wanted to step out of line, lest Jesus decide to reject us at the end of times.

Then there are those that believe in and desire the end of times so firmly that they dedicate their lives to helping bring it about. The end is accompanied by great wars and tribulation, so the story goes, so if they can add to these, the end is sure to come more quickly. Just as dangerous are those who insist that all the violence and suffering are necessary, or at least inevitable, so make no effort to combat it.

Is there an end of times? Well, I guess everything that has a beginning has an end (oops, was that a cliché?) so quite likely there will be an end of times. But it is not ours to anticipate, bring about, or fear. Today is just today. Enjoy it and try not to mess it up too badly.


Anonymous said...

My dad tells us how he grew up in the early sixties under the shadow of nuclear war, The Missle Crisis, Mutual Assured Destruction, and "duck and cover" drills.

All things that were made possible by Science.

So why is is suprising that that generation grew up with a "end times" mentality?

They were told that, for the first time in history, it was really possible.

And just because it has not happended yet, and people don't talk about nuclear war much anymore, does not mean it is not out there, waiting...

In many ways, it is even more possible that when it was mainly just the superpowers posturing against each other.

You can blame whoever you want, but if you are the guy supplying guns to nut cases, then you are just as guiltyl

Iggy said...


There is a very interesting "Cold War" movie on YouTube, don't remember the title. It is all about Soviets occupying America and getting rid of Bibles and such.

I'll look it up one day, or you do so and if you find it post or e-mail me with the links. It's several parts.

I think they had real Russians play and accents are pretty good unlike in Hollywood movies where they hire some people who have a bizarre Russian, Bulgarian, Serbian mix of unitelliable language.

I just thought up a topic for you for the Saturday talk for you - go over the "veils?" - This sounds like fun.

You can do it at Skeptics (1st Saturday of teh month) or we can just make your talk any other Saturday and shuffle movie, documentary, reading or free for all Saturday around?

Unless you want to talk about "reading the Bible "properly" - it will go very well with our group :o)

Iggy said...

Don't remember if you were there at the "Provocateurs", Dagney, or left already but there was an issue raised about scientific studies about children being "more satisfied" with "comprehensive and substantiative" answers to questions - like"Why is the grass green?".

Kids are more satisfied when you explain to them the photosynthesis of plants and that grass is green because it has evolved so in our atmosphere, under ultra violet light of the sun and just because we see it as green in the small specter of light that our eye is capable of. Dogs, e.g. see almost entirely in black and white, so grass to them would have no meeting in color as they rely on smell and hearing.

No answers like "god made grass green" and other "general" answers are "not" satisfactory to children in general.

It appears this maybe an extension of evolution in humans - all animals are always moving, learning, adapting, outcompeting. In short, "new" is part of life. Something that "factually" benefits you is a necessity. Anything wihtich is "art"/spiritual is just a byproduct.

Anonymous said...
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Dagney J Velazquez said...

Unless the group is just dying to hear about Biblical interpretation, I'd love to put together a talk about the veils. I think we could have a lot of fun with that topic. I'll even bring in some veils for visual appeal.

Iggy said...


Are you going to be dressed up in "veils?"

Sure, sounds good!

Why don't you get me an overview of the topic in 1 paragraph so we can promote it for Jan.

E-mail me and let me know if Sat evernings are abilalbe for you and when so I can plan it.

We can leave the "inerrant" interpretation of yours of the Bible for later :o) - I mean "your" innerant :o) interpretation.

Iggy said...

And "Yes", the group is "dying" to hear your perspective on Bible interpreting :o)

It is such a rare treat to have a freethinking Xian attend our meetups coupled with the fact that you had experience as minister, I think we'll die and go to heaven during your talk on that.

We'll touch base on that one later.

Cannot wait your talk on "veils"