Sunday, November 29, 2009

the fifth veil

This is part five of a seven part series. Read parts one, two, three and four first.

With the dropping of the fifth veil, Robbins exposes another god: money. He says, “Preoccupied with it, dominated- and ultimately bewildered- by it, introspective men and women finally had to confess that it clouded their vision of the world… when the fifth veil falls, and with it the illusion of financial worth, individuals might recognize themselves again, might find themselves standing, as if naked, among ancient values in a long- lost landscape.”

How much are we motivated by money? How many of our decisions are based more on the financial impact than anything else?

Some would argue that without financial incentive we would not be as productive. But then, what is the definition of productive? Is making more and more stuff productive? Is convincing others to consume more and more productive? What is the inherent value in love, happiness, enjoyment of the simple things of life?

And what is the ultimate cost of pursuing primarily money? What is given up for the accumulation of stuff? Where I work, I see young people making lifetime career decision based on which field within their ability will yield the highest income. They are not solely to blame. We sell education to them based largely on the incentive of more money. Now, I’m not against higher education. I’m very much for it. I just think that making more money is a weak goal, one that either cannot sustain enthusiasm or will prove to lead to a shallow existence.

Shallow existence seems to work just fine for many, though. How many really care about self-actualization? That would cost a great deal. It may cost giving up not only financial incentive, but also popularity, comfort, and security. But those are all fleeting and unreliable anyway, merely an illusion.


Iggy said...


I heard that last Saturday's meetup at Blackdog was quite interesting and lively. Looks like there are enough crazy people even on Thanksgiving weekend to go and BS.

Sorry I missed it, my daughter was shopping for a car all Thanksgiving weekend, so there was a lot of driving to dealers involved with her and my wife, comparing different cars, options, prices, warranties, model years - my head was spinning and I was "lost" as if I was "without god" - oppps. I am without god!

I am going to catch up with some people who attended and see if they can give me some skinny on it.

Are you going to have a blog entry on it? Would love to hear your perspective.

Emanuel Goldstein said...

Dagney, over on the Tammeus blog they are saying you were there and you are an ex pastor who is now an atheist.

Is that true, or are they talking bout someone else?

Dagney J Velazquez said...

I am a former pastor. I do go to the freethinker meetups. I am not an atheist, though another former pastor who attends is. The meetups are open to anyone and everyone. You do not have to be atheist, agnostic, or anything. They are gatherings intended for the purpose of open discussion and exploration.

Jerseystitch said...

I have been told "You are not your job". But it is so hard to displace yourself from something you do many hours a day, many times a week, consciously.
Is it a bad thing to have large amounts of training to make money doing something you do not like?
I make a very small amount of money doing something I don't really like. I would love to be given the opportunity to do this same job at twice the pay, and see if it seems any different.
All that aside, it is so easy to drift into materialism anymore. We apparently all see or hear thousands of advertisements every single day. The love of money may be the root of all evil, but nothing else seems to inspire so much passion. We accept that if we end up in debt, we will have horrible penalties. We accept little or no healthcare, thinking we can do it on our own, because the healthcare industry has to stay afloat also, I guess to keep the fortunate alive.
Sometimes actual life just pales in comparison. Kind of like being forced to spend Friday night,as a teenager, with your siblings. I don't feel allowed to enjoy the esoteric and ascerbic any more.

Iggy said...


The following is also options
- make a lot of money doing what you don't like
- make some/enough money in what you don't like
- make a little money in what you don't like

- lot of money in what you like
- some/enough in what you like
- little in what you like

And you can give "all" or "some" of it away for chartity, start your own project, etc.

Musings about "materialism" are pointless in my opinion. It's what you do with your money, your thoughts - your actions towards "equal rights of others" and "common good".

I don't see organized religion for anything "common good". I keep hearing and reading that 90-95% of church's budged (10-15 bln USD) is spent on overhead.

Imagine for a second that nobody goes to churches for 1 year, 1 month, 1 week, 1 day of service and the time and money they'd otherwise spend on overhead with 5-10% only going to causes, you'll get 10 bln $ instead of $1 bln per year going to charity.

I am sure god if she is there will be very happy about it.

I hope that Christians will not become "materialistic" if they don't go to church and don't have a whip and carrot prodding them in image of the god they have created.

Hope you see the numbers?

This coming Saturday, Dec. 5 7 p.m. at BlackDog Coffee house KC Freethinkers will be talking about "The Venus Project" - that deals "exactly" with "rational, materialistic, factual, applicable TODAY" issues that can be used to push the world forward.

YouTube has the documentary "Future by Design" - 80 min or so in 9-10 parts - check it out.

It's not what you believe, it's what you do with your belives - who knows maye Rha and Thore and Zeus and Poseidon and Adonis and Myhra are the real gods? And Jesus was just "the messenger?" - like Mohammad and the Pink Unicorn is the only true god?

What I am saying, don't get too comfortable - only "bird's eye view' of the world can give you "reality based" thinking.

As for a better job, check around, don't give up. Instead of spending time in front of TV in the evening search out job offerings. Spend 2 hours per day for 1 week doing it and you may see difference.

Jerseystitch said...

Thank you for the YouTube selection. I will check it out.
I have to think God is a she with all the order from chaos stuff, all the multitasking, and the indirect and cryptic answers to my questions.
I am actively looking for another job. Thank you for the lecture, but I spend most of my free time chasing Dagney all over the Net.