Monday, December 28, 2009

Houston voters rock the political world

While most people were caught up in the frantic pace of the holidays, an historic mayoral election in Houston added one more signal to the changing political climate in America, a climate where the issues matter more than the particular ethnicity, culture, or sexual orientation of the candidate.

On December 11, Houston became the first American big-city to elect a lesbian mayor. What's most remarkable, however, is what a non-issue her sexual orientation was. In a country whose politics over the last several decades have been over-run by a narrow, bigoted "family values" platform that often shadowed issues actually relevant to Americans, it is exciting to see signs that a new generation of voters care more about things like jobs, education, health care, and constitutional rights than a candidate's personal relationships.

A black presidential candidate carrying southern states, Bush's hometown electing a lesbian democrat as mayor, what's next? A woman as US president? Let's dare to dream.


Jerseystitch said...

Cool, a lesbian with access to her own militia (the Houston police force)!
I am assuming she is a non-Repugnican?
This moral shift had better hurry up before the 2012 elections or conservatives will ooze by again with their family values and shit.
Now if Kansas City, and Missouri would just pull its head out of its ass.

Mammal_Mama said...

This is very good news.

And it just goes to show that what used to be seen as "swimming upstream" will very soon be seen as "catching the wave and riding it."