Friday, November 27, 2009

as I eat another piece of pie...

A friend of mine sent me this article from the Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights. He thought I would find it interesting not only because it's about Thanksgiving, but because my name comes from a character, Dagny Taggert, of one of her novels, Atlas Shrugged. The article superimposes Rand's philosophy onto Thanksgiving, asking the question, "who should we be thanking?"

It was written in 2007, just before or maybe in the beginning of the economic collapse. I agree with the philosophy to a point, but I think it can be very shallow and short-sided. Many people around the world work just as hard or harder than I, but they will never enjoy the luxuries that I do. There's also too much of the "might makes right" mentality there. The native cultures of this land and others that we have colonized and otherwise conquered were just fine before Europeans, then later Americans, came in, obliterated them, and introduced our fine life.

There is a sadness and defeat that comes with the American culture of gluttony. We need more and more to make us happy, and we never really are truly happy. Just a thought to open this Christmas season. Happy Black Friday.


Jerseystitch said...

What is happiness.

Emanuel Goldstein said...

What is happiness?

Nietzsche said, "What is happiness? The feeling that POWER is increasing. that resistance has been overcome."

Nietzsche, The AntiChrist, sec. 2

Anonymous said...

Nietzsche was an atheist. What wonderful advice from Hitler's favorite philosopher.

Anonymous said...

God is an atheist himself if he exists, so what wrong about being an atheist?

Anonymous said...

"God is an atheist if he exists."

No he isn't.

He knows he exists. So he is not an atheist. LOL!

Jerseystitch said...

I am confused. Or just dense. What would make God an atheist?

Anonymous said...


God doesn't accept any gods guiding his life if she exists.

Christian troll,

You must be getting really lonely if you are now down only to two blogs in Kansas City - Dagney's and Secular parenting? What happened to the dozens and dozens of blogs you were mentioning where you'd be using KC atheists as an example to expose their dishoesty and cowardness?

Who's the coward? You have been promising to come to meetups and never have? - chicken.

Does your "alledged" god beleieve that there is someone above her as a "supreme being?" If not, then your dog is an atheist or at least agnostic at best.

If you can demonstrate to me that the Pink Unicorn is not the real god and Yahweh's perception of the ancients (as the prime god) has not perverted the "only pure Truth" of the Pink Unicorn the creator of the Universe we can talk.


If you cannot, then you are offering your opinion only and opinion without facts is pointless. Your opinion about god is irrelevant. Repeat, your personal opinion means absolutely nothing and is rejected by rationalistic thinking.

For you to claim that god "knows he exists" you need to "prove" he exists. You cannot. You can only "infer" through "intelligent design" drivel that she exists through the "magic dust" of design.

You don't have a centilla of evidence other than from the "negative" - the universe could not have been formed out of nothing! Who says it was? I don't. I actually say I don't know how it was formed, where the matter came from and how life began.

You, on the other hand, claim you "know" and "god knows".

Well, my delusional friend, The Pink Unicorn knows "she created the world and there are no other gods above her".

Now prove that my opinion is wrong. If you cannot, please, stop polluting the world with your delusions.

I've been watching your delusional rants against other Xians, science blogs and ethics, plitical sites for years now.

You are not making any sense now as you were not making then. I am glad you stopped saying that you were raised by an atheist uncle who raped your aunt every week in the basement.

All we have to work on is "what we can prove" and not offer as an opinion.

"Yawn" - it's getting boring pointing out the obvious to you.

This weekened is the last time you'll be acknoledged with a post till at least Jan 2011.

I can only imagine how lonely it will be for you from now on. But don't be sad - just give us dozens and dozens of sites where you "participate" and we'll be watching your delusions unfold further.

Cheers and may the Pink Unicorn bless you and your gray brain!

Patrick Moore said...

Since I am not a producer, maybe that explains why I hate Thanksgiving and having to feel guilty about not being "grateful." I didn't earn it! So if Thanksgiving is for Rand and her Objectivists...what holy day is for us leftist collectivists?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous atheist troll: who the hell are you talking to?

How would you know how many blogs someone is posting on?

Are you so stupid to think that there is only one or two computers a true accomplished troll would use?

Or that hacking a computer gives you any true info about who is ACTUALLY using it?

I think you are even stupider than I thought!

Doesn't matter though. With mom providing us with new computers and security systems, as well as IP defense, for Christmas, we will all be off your radar screen soon!

And why would God have to believe in something over himself to not be classed as an atheist? That is not even logical. He could believe in himself!

As for the Pink Unicorn, YOU are the one who has made that claim, so you are the one who needs to prove it.

You have already been told that, given your assumptions about the origin of the universe, life, and mind, there is NO PROOF that you would accept. You have established a NON FALSIFIABLE POSITION by a circular argument, and all you have offered to refute that is the "PINK UNICORN" certainly have offered no proof about how the universe originated, or life itself for that matter.

YOUR DESPERATION is now shown by you making up stuff about our uncle. He could sue your ass for that.

And you say we will not hear from you until 2011?


Anonymous said...

When someone writes something like the Confessions of St. Augustine about the Pink Unicorn or hundreds of thousands of people are martyred for the Pink Unicorn or you show me a book inspired by the Pink Unicorn that says "Am I my brother's keeper?" "His blood cries out to me from the ground" or thousands of people quit drinking because of the Pink Unicorn I will be willing to consider the Pink Unicorn. When the Pink Unicorn gives me the strength not to pick up the phone right this minute and chew out my boyfriend for something he can't help, I will consider the Pink Unicorn. When I see a bell-ringer on every street corner taking up a collection for the poor in Pink Unicorn kettles, I will consider the Pink Unicorn.

Iggy said...


I'll give you Santa, cookies and milk on Xmas Eve - this is as good as Unicorn.

How Santa got tied up to a Christian holiday? - only god knows!

You know kids pray to Santa? Lives are changed and brains are rewired by Santa when kids get presents from him?

You do know that there used to be gods Rha, Zeus, Poseidon, and Thor who changed lives on innumerable people.

Do you know how many people died with Zeus as their protector in battles?

During Thor's time there were no phones, but I am sure that Vikings were just as eager to pray to him before going on a long sea voyage without talking to their wives/girlfriends for months?

Please, don't tell me that Christians invented charity? You think that Greeks with Zeus did not care for poor people too much?

Or that Allah doesn't command to donate money to the poor?

Reality check, please?

May the Pink Unicorn Live and be worshipped by you!