Friday, March 26, 2010

Keep going! You're wearing him down!

A student of mine saw this photo yesterday and said, "That's how I feel right now, struggling against all my problems." What a vivid image!

How many of us don't feel like this sometimes? Straining with all of our might, head down, muscles straining, while in the back (or front) of our minds is the realization, "there is absolutely no way in god's green earth I will ever budge any of this massive weight, and it's going to crush me."

Now, I thought about blogging about the smart and effective things to do when you find yourself in a situation like this. Walk away if at all possible, call on your friends, gather a support network, remember that if it doesn't kill you it'll make you stronger, blah, blah, blah. We all know all that, and to a certain extent, there's truth in each of those cliches.

But sometimes, darn it, the big fat guy is going to crush you, and you won't feel at all stronger afterwards. What do you do then?

Well, the only thing you can do then is to drag yourself out of the ring and go have some drinks with some others who have also felt the breath-snatching crush. I'm not talking about drowning your sorrows in booze. I'm talking about recognizing the damage in yourself and others. You may not feel stronger, but it can give you clearer vision to see those around you in a different, more humane light.

And after you've shared a couple of beers, a few tears, and a whole lot of laughter, get back out there and take on the big guy again. After all, he's slow and out of shape. You can take him!


Jessica Velazquez said...

Gosh darn it! I like this one sis, it pretty much sums up my feelings right now. Things I'd rather do than face the fight....
Eat an entire pizza
Watch every season of The Office
Nap on a park bench
....keep coming up with alternative ideas.

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.

Mertez said...

When i read your latest blog it brought me back to the comparison of Hamlet's soliloquy and 2Pac's song "Changes". From before Hamlets time and after the demise of 2Pac Shakur the question still rises "to be or not to be". I can't say that I have felt such a pain to want to end my own life (as quoted by both authors) but I have felt like i can't win no matter what i do, because I am the little guy and my toubles are the big guy (like the trillions of other people in the world) and sometimes it can be to much to handle. In my own opinion it seems that Hamlet had given up while 2Pac tried to give us options to continue the fight. Now it's up to use to make the complete transition. So lets go have a couple cold beers, cry a few tears, the have some good laughs (well said) then get back in there and keep fighting. Like the old saying goes "keep on keepin on"!