Thursday, January 24, 2008

Something must be done about the Christian Calendar

What were they thinking? I'm sure there are lots of very good reasons for the timing of Lent, but honestly, why now?

Most of us are still recovering from Christmas. One woman I talked to today still hasn't taken down her decorations. It's the coldest, darkest time of year. Many of us are tired and depressed as it is, and in a couple of weeks we get to start the season of Lent, a time of self-denial, reflection, confession, and the constant reminder that following Christ means, "taking up the cross." Seriously, do we really need it?

Fat Tuesday is looking better and better all the time. Maybe it's not a bad idea to remember, before the season of fasting, that much of Jesus' ministry on earth revolved around feasting and abundance. How can you not love a man who said at the wedding reception, "What? We're out of wine?! No problem, I'll just make more." When people flocked to hear him preach, he took a special interest in the catering. And he was always getting into trouble for partying with the wrong crowd.

Yes, his followers faced some challenges, but there must have been some really fun times, too. The movies usually depict the life of Christ and his apostles as one intense moment after another, but when I read the gospels I hear laughter, see long nights with good, plentiful food and drink, and feel some exciting adventures.

God created fun and laughter, after all, so the life of His son must have been full of these. So, at least for the next two weeks, let's laugh as much as possible. Let's feast on the good stuff. Let's stay up late with good friends dreaming big dreams.

And maybe Lent can be full of joy and smiles, too. After all, it's our time to prepare for Easter, the greatest celebration of all time, and party preparation is almost as much fun as the party itself.

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