Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Q:What happens when a bishop confuses himself with god?

A: He makes god look like an asshole.

I had to read this story a couple of times for it to really sink in. A Catholic bishop in Phoenix, AZ, excommunicated a nun who, in her role as an administrator at a local hospital, approved an abortion for a woman who, doctors agreed, had 0% chance of survival if her pregnancy wasn't terminated immediately.

One priest, defending the bishop's actions, equated the nun's decision with priests who molest children. Except, of course, the priests aren't excommunicated, because they have penises.


Anonymous said...

Can we agree that both Pedophile priests and those who murder innocent children should be excommunicated from our faith?

Dagney J Velazquez said...

No, we can not agree on that. Without even getting into the issue of whether abortion is murder, if you would read the full story, you would see that both mother and child would have died had the pregnancy not been terminated. I'm not sure what kind of warped reasoning decides that it would be better for both to die. said...

What a sad story. said...


I posted this to Chuck Lunney's blog today (sorry for cross posting)in reference to approval of Islamic mosque close to Ground Zero in NYC - see the blog entry - a very well written story by Chuck...

I see this number of 85% coming up again again and again - in 80-85%. - it appears to be the "magic Christian majority" number - I CALL IT IRRATIONAL THINKING BY OVERWHELMING MAJORITY OF CHRISTIANS IN AMERICA.

Depending on ohw you ask the question 15-20% of Americans would describe themselbves as non believers. E.g. Is America a Christian Nations - Yes - or Woudl you vote for an atheist president otherwise qualifed - No - 80-85% - so this would leave 15-20% who'd answer otherwise. About 21% of US enlisted personel marks "not religious", so we are safe to say that 15-20% of Americans are non religious.

This appears to be an interesting number - you keep hearing from Christians that "not all Christians" are fundies which I agree with. However, the "fundy" mentality and thought of Christians en masse is overwhelmingly showing that they cannot wrap their brains around the poltical process and even the "god given freedom of speech" they tout left and right when it comes to promoting their version of religion.

I don't think this is "confrontrational" to point it out to Christians and also fellow atheists/agnostics - it's reality.

We can talk till cows come home about "liberal/rational Christianity" - it maybe 1-5% in the polls on the Mosque, but it is being washed and shouted down by the fundies.

Maybe it's time for "liberal Xians" to understand that the delusions of the "fundies" are based ont he same faith they both share and it's time for liberal Xians to start a new movement and get going to "preach the gospel of rationality" to their fundy fellow Xians?

Bill Tammeus (well known itnerfaith person in KC) stated to me once that he gave up on fundamental Christians - and Bill has been around for a while. He came to the conclusion that nothing will change their mind.

I think that "liberal Xians" acutally off the mark quite a bit - fundies are 10-15% of Xians, so, this would leave 85-90% of fellow Xians who are the silent marjority when it comes to rights of other faiths/religions to push their own agenda.

Catch 22 for Xianity - they would not mind "tesifying" in comfort of majority about their faith, but when others want to do the same - my woo woo is bigger than your woo woo..

I hate to be always right...

Heather W. Torrance said...

I don't understand. The article says this was allowed under the Catholic Church's own directive. She made a judgment call that was in compliance with that. I can't even see how they could justify excommunicating her under their own rules.

I heard once that they wanted to beatify a woman in South America who died because she refused an abortion. The baby died, too, of course.

I was dating a Catholic guy once, and I came to the realization that such an anti-female organization was not for me. I don't think the Methodist church is perfect, but at least they allow women pastors. That would have been very tough for me to give up. But unfortunately, there are not many non-sexist religions to choose from.