Sunday, August 30, 2009

God on the Plaza

Friday night, I watched perhaps the worst street performer I’ve ever seen. He dropped his juggling sticks, the flames on them kept going out, he fell off his unicycle, he took so long leading up to his tricks that people left, and he was rude to some audience members. I turned to my new friend (his name is Nature, and he doesn’t have a permanent home but travels all over, but that’s another story), grinned and said, “This is the worst street performer I’ve ever seen.” Nature said, “Everyone has to start somewhere. He’s not as good as the guys who have been performing for 20 years, but at least he’s out here trying, and he’ll get better as he works at it.” I learned another lesson about grace just then. Thanks, Nature.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nature sounds like a real "Mother".