Friday, August 20, 2010

Oh for god's sake, let them build their mosque in peace

Seriously, are we a country of religious freedom or not? The fact that this has become such a huge deal is absurd. What's really pathetic is that we have a Kansas politician out there saying incredibly stupid things. He's an embarrassment to the midwest.

5 comments: said...

This is what organized herd like religion does to you.

I have no problem with faith individually :o) but religion must be killed off.

Dagney J Velazquez said...

I don't think it's organized religion that's to blame for this one. Bigotry against those of a particular faith or culture is found in both the churched and the unchurched. said...

I stated "herd like" religion.

Show me one, however, that is not herd like? - of course, it's what you make of it...

Just like everything else.

JustSayin said...

My concern is the deeply oppressive view of women that even the most moderate Muslim's I know hold to. I'm less concerned with the location of the Mosque (Though I think a KKK Shrine would be innapropriate next to the MLK Museum for example), than I am about the nature of Islamic ideology especially as it pertains to women.

Dagney J Velazquez said...

Two thoughts:

1. Your agreement or disagreement with Islam's ideology really has nothing to do with their building a community center two blocks from (not next to) ground zero.
2. Historically, and even presently, Christianity is at least as guilty of oppressive views, rules, and treatment of women. Read the writings of some of Christianity's theological giants and you will find them littered with shocking and offensive comments about women. And today, you don't even have to look at the extreme conservative Christians to find similar stances. The largest protestant denomination in the United States still holds to an oppressive view of women and their appropriate roles in the church, home, and society.