Thursday, February 19, 2009

Spin Mistress

So, I started a new spin class today. For those who don't know, this is an indoor cycling class. The instructor turns on some fast-paced music, sits on her cycle in front of us, then does her best to induce heart attacks by leading us all up never ending hills. For some reason, there's never any down hills in spin classes.

During one of the songs, she split the room into two teams. Now, I'm all about competition. The drive to win is one of the strongest drives within me, so I was geared up for whatever challenge she threw our way.

To my surprise, though, it wasn't a competition. Team one was the first to sprint for a full minute, while team two's responsibility was to cheer and holler for team one. Then we reversed roles. Now, I felt a little silly yelling and clapping for team one, a group of women pedaling for dear life on their stationary bikes. I mean, what was the point?

Then it was our turn to sprint. For one tremendously long minute. And those cheers and applause were the only thing that kept me going. Thanks, team one!

So, tomorrow I'm going to look for someone else to cheer for, even if I feel a bit silly.

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